Google has made another change in its algorithm known as “Panda” and surprised many of website owners & Internet marketers with significant drop and raise in website traffic.

Unlike “Caffeine”, “Panda” is more intelligent and a big threat to websites with low quality & duplicate content to be penalized by Google, resulting in a drop in search engine ranking, thus reducing organic and targeted traffic, and eventually losing business opportunities and revenue.

Google Panda is


• Websites with quality & unique content.
• Content writers
• Visitors


• Immature and new comer online marketers
• Agents / Companies try to fool their clients and google with duplicate content and keyword stuffing.
• Short term money making online ventures

Gear up & benefit from Google Panda

Let me give you some tips to get benefit from this new update.

1. Create quality, unique content
You need to create great & unique content that is beneficial to your site visitors. But still don’t ever lose your focus from your keywords.

2. Human first, search engine second
As many SEO specialists were suggesting a long time ago before Google Panda exist, the suggestion is in creating your website content, focus on your real audience first, then search engine second. This means: No keyword stuffing or duplicate content.

3. Rewrite your website content
This is probably resource intensive, but you might want to consider rewriting or removing your sites’ low quality and/or duplicate content.

Final Words:
To me Google Panda is a good development and it will help in developing good content and making the internet a better place.
Dear content writers this is a gift for you, get ready for work loads.

Happy Reading

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Author: Faheem ul afaq, CEO, Radius Global

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